Talent concept

Talents are the first capital for enterprise development. Shenghong strives to build a platform for the growth and development of every employee and provide space to display their talents.

In the selection of talents, Shenghong advocates “eclectic use of talents”, and free competition in a fair, open and just atmosphere, it pays attention to the development potential and comprehensive quality of employees in the selection of talents, with focus on their actual performance, and appoints people on merit.

Sheng Hong's concept of employing people perfectly reflects Lao Tzu's thought: He whose hests men most fulfil, yet humbly plies his art. It is open to suggestions and uses them wisely, treats employees kindly with vision of trust, approval and appreciation, a man being used is not suspected while a suspected man is not used. It understands employees and takes care of employees.

 Shenghong makes its best efforts to create a warm and harmonious enterprise atmosphere, and treats people with first-class human environment; it gives employees a sense of achievement in the work, and attracts people with first-class career; it adopts a salary system of “seeking competition outside and seeking fairness inside” to give employees the first-class treatment.

 Shenghong regards both virtue and talent as the highest pursuit in cultivating employees. Capacity, virtue’s source; virtue, capacity’s captain. Shenghong Group is a social school that cultivates employees with both virtue and professional competence.

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