Company News

Smart Manufacturing Leading the Future: Shenghong Named One of Asia's Top 500 Brands for Four Consecutive Years

Click:02024-08-02 08:11:31

On September 20, the "Asia Brand Conference," hosted by the World Brand Lab, was held in Hong Kong, where the 2023 "Asia's Top 500 Brands" ranking was released. Shenghong Holding Group was ranked 121st, up 10 places from last year. This marks the fourth consecutive year Shenghong has made the list, reflecting its steadily rising brand value and expanding influence.

The criteria for "Asia's Top 500 Brands" are based on the brand's influence in Asia, with key metrics including market share, brand loyalty, and Asian leadership. This is the eighteenth year the World Brand Lab has evaluated the influence of Asian brands. Brands from 20 countries and regions were selected, with 215 brands from China (including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan), accounting for 43% of the entire list, making China the top-ranked country.


 In its brand-building journey, Shenghong has embraced the technological trend of "green intelligent manufacturing." The company has initiated an intelligent, interconnected, and digitally transformed full industrial chain, combining green technological innovation with industrial transformation and upgrading. This approach drives the high-end development of industrial structure, low-carbon energy consumption, circular resource utilization, clean production processes, green product supply, and digital production methods, achieving comprehensive coverage of "national-level green factories". Shenghong provides a replicable and promotable green model for the green transformation of China's manufacturing industry.

Currently, Shenghong is focusing on three main directions: new energy, high-performance new materials, and low-carbon green solutions. Through original and leading technological innovations, Shenghong has achieved domestic leadership in acrylonitrile production scale, cost control, and export volume. The company has also broken monopolies in photovoltaic-grade EVA, POE, and hot melt adhesive EVA, filling gaps in the domestic industry. Shenghong's products lead in quality and long-term operational capability, with a global leading capacity of 300,000 tons per year for photovoltaic-grade EVA. Major projects such as the "Million-Ton Acrylonitrile, Million-Ton EVA, and Million-Ton Biodegradable Materials" are rapidly progressing, creating a world-class, eco-friendly, low-carbon, and circular industrial cluster for new green energy materials. These impressive achievements showcase Shenghong's innovation-driven acceleration towards high-quality development and its growing brand power.

As China transitions from a manufacturing powerhouse to a brand powerhouse, the construction of Chinese brands is accelerating. Shenghong will continue to uphold its commitment to industry, adhere to innovation, actively leverage its brand advantages, cultivate brand culture, and solidify brand building. By continuously forming new competitive advantages, Shenghong aims to accelerate its development into a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness, writing a new chapter in the development of national brands.

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