Company News

Shenghong Holding Group Holds 2023 Annual Commendation and Summary Conference

Click:02024-08-02 08:14:30

On the afternoon of January 8, Shenghong Holding Group held its 2023 Annual Commendation and Summary Conference to review and summarize the achievements of 2023 and to plan and set goals for 2024. Attending the conference were Miao Han’gen, Party Secretary, Chairman, and President of Shenghong Holding Group; Vice Chairman Tang Jinkui; Vice Presidents Meng Fenghua and Gu Donghua; and management personnel from various business sectors of the Group and the Suzhou region.


During the conference, outstanding teams and individuals of the year were recognized. Additionally, the heads of each business sector within the Group and the Suzhou region signed a 2024 business responsibility letter.


▲ 2024 business responsibility letter signed


▲ Outstanding teams and individuals recognized by the Group

 The conference highlighted the Group’s accomplishments in 2023. Chairman Miao Han’gen noted that over the past 30 years, Shenghong has evolved from a small village enterprise into a Fortune Global 500 company. This journey, filled with numerous challenges, demonstrates that Shenghong has accurately identified development trends and seized key opportunities. It also confirms that the "1+N" strategic development direction is correct and that with firm belief and perseverance,challenges can be overcome and progress can be made against the odds. Success is built on self-confidence, strength, and persistence. The more challenging the situation is, the more belief, confidence and forward momentum we must maintain without relaxing or stopping.


Chairman Miao emphasized that in 2024, the Group should implement the development philosophy proposed by the Central Economic Work Conference, which is to "seek progress while maintaining stability, promote stability through progress, and prioritize establishment before breaking." By advancing with innovation to promote stable development and resolving development difficulties with new advantages, we can ensure steady progress on the path of high-quality development. The conference called for Shenghong Holding Group to adhere to four "equal emphases" in 2024 to forge four "new advantages."

01 Equal Emphasis on Software and Hardware to Create New R&D Advantages

The Group should focus on market demand, emphasizing practicality and commercial viability, and avoid solely pursuing advanced and academic achievements. It is necessary to ensure all R&D efforts lead to product competitiveness and commercial value, converting technological innovation into tangible benefits. It should balance long-term and short-term strategies by maintaining determination in breaking through key core technologies while also promoting "quick-win" projects for immediate results.

02 Equal Emphasis on Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement to Create New Management Advantages

The Group should adhere to the principle that "every penny counts," strengthen lean management, and eliminate excess costs while continuously promoting cost reduction and efficiency improvement. It is necessary to establish a streamlined and efficient organizational structure, enhance cross-sector and cross-department collaboration, facilitate information sharing, and break down silo effect to unite the entire group. The priority is given to accelerate digital transformation, optimize production processes, improve management workflows, promote marketing transformation, and achieve reduced operational costs, increased efficiency, and enhanced safety. The Group should also uphold the notion that "safety is paramount," establishing a safety management model supported by systems, process supervision, and full participation to secure the lifeline of safety.

03 Equal Emphasis on Self-Development and Collaboration to Create New Cooperation Advantages

We needs to strengthen upstream and downstream cooperation, transforming business relationships into partnerships and forming a "chain partner" community of shared interests deeply integrated into the global industrial chain. Focus is on downstream customer needs, improving product quality and supply stability, jointly conducting product R&D and brand building, and enhancing customer loyalty. The Group should grasp terminal market trends, practice ESG sustainable development concepts, accelerate green and low-carbon transformation, actively fulfill social responsibilities, and demonstrate Shenghong’s commitment.

04 Equal Emphasis on Ability and Integrity to Create New Talent Advantages

For 31 years, Shenghong has adhered to the talent management concept of professional managers, gathering a large number of talents, which is the greatest advantage for Shenghong’s high-quality development. It is necessary to insist on a people-oriented approach, build a platform for shared creation and responsibility, and ensure mutual progress between talents and the enterprise.


Chairman Miao also set forth requirements for selecting leaders and creating a workplace culture. He stated that Shenghong’s leaders should be those with firm beliefs, capable of handling pressure and taking on significant responsibilities; those who never stop striving, daring to tackle challenges and make innovation; and those with upright character, maintaining integrity, and abiding by laws and trustworthiness. These points are both behavioral guidelines for Shenghong’s leaders and criteria for personnel selection and employment. He also emphasized that Shenghong has always been committed to creating a "clean" and "friendly" workplace culture "Clean" means simple and straightforward interpersonal relationships, while "friendly" means a work atmosphere of unity and mutual support. Each sector and department should uphold these values, enabling talents to succeed and grow within Shenghong.

 In the future, Shenghong Holding Group will remain steadfast in its commitment to align with national strategies, adhere to the "1+N" industrial layout, and persist in the transformation towards high-end, intelligent, and green development. With unwavering confidence, unity, and effort, Shenghong will strive to become a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness.


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