President’s Speech

        As the run rises again on the horizon, a new year begins. As we ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year, I stand on behalf of Shenghong Holding Group to extend New Year's greetings to leaders at all levels, partners and friends from all walks of life who care about and support the development of Shenghong, and to all the employees of the Group.

        Looking back at 2023, there were fluctuations and perspiration, and also harvest. The post-epidemic economic recovery has shown a wave-like development and a tortuous progress, and we felt the heavy pressure and achieved tangible results. Shenghong Holding Group has been listed in the Fortune Global 500 for four consecutive years, ranking 222nd, a new significant leap forward. 

        Over the past year, we have once again created a “world first”; the fourth acrylonitrile plant of Sierbang Petrochemical was put into operation, with a total capacity of 1.04mt/a, moving from the national No. 1 to global No. 1. We have entered the energy storage track, and the first phase of the Taizhou base project realized “planning, construction, production, and sales in the same year”, setting the highest speed in the industry. We have strengthened technological innovation and won the China Industrial Grand Prize. We have accelerated green transformation and completed the first green negative carbon industry chain that recycles carbon dioxide into new energy materials in the industry. 

        Looking back, we have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, writing brilliant stories along the way; looking forward, we still need to forge ahead, composing even more splendid chapters. On the new journey, the uncertainty of the world we are in is increasing, and the challenges we face are becoming morecomplicated. However, the 31 years of practice of Shenghong have proven that as long as we have firm beliefs and unremitting efforts, we can overcome challenges and rise against the trend. Facing the surging external environment, we will maintain strategic confidence, anchor our goals, stabilize our course, and strive to be the best, to push Shenghong Holding Group to move steadily and far.

         In the new year, we will maintain the strategic determination of “never relaxing our grip on the green mountains”, unwaveringly adhere to the “1+N” industrial layout, cultivate meticulously on the field of new energy and new materials, and move towards the goal of “a world first-rate enterprise with global competitiveness”. 

        In the new year, we will maintain the high morale of “advancing forward in the face of difficulties”, carry forward the spirit of daring to act, to venture and to innovate, strengthen efforts to make breakthroughs of key core technologies, push ahead the transformation and upgrading for high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing, and compose a new chapter of high-quality development.

        In the new year, we will maintain the tenacious work ethic of “one drop of sweat split into eight parts”, forge new advantages in technological innovation, enterprise management, open cooperation and team building, improve operational efficiency, enhance development momentum, and take solid measures and make steady pace in development. 

       From “2023” to “2024,” it is not only the continuation of time but also the continuation of our hard work. Let us boost our spirits and strive together, to make a better future. 




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